Reflection of my Work
What prompted this purging of my Art was my Dad told me that he wanted to cut one of my pieces in half because he felt it was too big. When he told me that I was so angry, betrayed, devastated, and shocked at how valuable my art was to me. I never shared my experiences with my family because I felt like they were going through there own trails and it was an added stress no one needed. On top of that I had an Aunt with schizophrenia and I didn’t want to be lumped in with her. Even as a child I knew I never wanted to be her so I hid myself from everyone never sharing or talking about the things I was experiencing. To prevent my Dad from cutting up my Artwork I told him I would give him more Art that was smaller. I knew I had so much of it. So on a Saturday day i went through my entire portfolio with my Mom and I realized I was such a vibrant person with so much gravitas. The sad part is when I looked in the mirror today I realized I was just a glimmer of that because I spent all my time trying to control and minimize my experiences. Instead of just letting it happen and allowing myself a release to help deal with the stress of it. The other beuatiful thing is as a teenager I was able to see Art everywhere and I made Art based on the small things in my life. I hope to continue this child-like view and to explore the world with an Artist eye seeing the beauty in everything.
My Giant teenage shoes: In graphite