Body Of Work

Adolesance, Finding Self, Understanding Sexuality, Exploration, Hope, Child-like view, Looking for answers.

Staring Series

Based on dreams and teenage struggles of normality, the Staring series utilizes dry brush strokes and fast movement to represent individuals in chaos. Each individual screaming out for attention, wanting to be looked at. Making the viewer or the subject feel that they are being watched.


A collection of portraits from my high school years. My obsession with portraits was a gateway to knowing and understanding myself and working through my fears, adolescence, and change. Each portrait is complex, with emotions and fear, and all are displayed through teenage eyes.

Figure Drawing Class

Desperate to preserve life and capture a living moment rather than a grim moment filled with death, figure drawing class became an outlet for trying to see the positive in people. Each model is drawn with swirling strokes to portray the essence of life flowing in the moment .

Drugs and Pills + Light, Color, and Theory class. The College Freshman.

During my freshman year of Art School, drugs and pills were easily accessible, and with the promise of becoming a better, more efficient artist, taking a pill was normalized. However, during that time, I was blacking out, and I don’t remember taking pills. Was the blacking-out pill-induced, or was it a coincidence? In my Light, Color, and Theory class, many of the assignments were to try to copy great artists to understand Light, Color, and Theory better. However, every time I would try to do one of these assignments, I would black out and create something I don’t fully remember painting; it was as if I was put on the back burner while I was making art.

Freshman Drawing Class

This class really just pushed me over the edge and made me want to stop doing art completely. The reason is I don’t reamember going to the class and I don’t remember doing any of the artwork in the class. All I know is my peers told me the artwork I did in this class. I had alot more drawings but I used for a bigger drawing that hangs in my mom’s dinning room.

Blue and black and white still life drawings.

After my freshman year I was a bit tired of the work I was doing and I wanted to let out alot of emotions. Being so inspired by Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso I decided to set up a still life in my dorm room and make about 30 paintings in one sitting. Here is about ten of them.

Sophomore Drawing Class

My Sophomore drawing class was filled with a little more strictness from my teachers, which was very much welcomed. I used many of my freshman drawing class artwork to make new artwork. I was happy to do so since I was utterly blacking out that entire class. Sometimes, my blackouts make me miss so much of my life. Sometimes it is for good, but sometimes it just makes me sad. Even though I decided to major in Communication Design, I felt sorry that I was going to take a break from doing artwork period to try and get a handle on everything. The artwork made in this class was still aimed at my advancement; however, it illustrated my frustration with my situation and still sparked this idealogy that I could do everything I needed to find the balance.

Random Drawings

I also love some of my quick figure drawings and the advanced ones. Some of these drawings were sketches I did in high school planning out paintings because I didn’t want to waste poster board.